The environment

The environment
These days, many people are concerned about our environment. They worry about global warming, the condition of the oceans and the polar ice-caps melting. There is no question that these things are problems, but who is responsible for finding solutions? Should the government be creating more laws to help protect our environment? 

May review

May review
Květnová soutěž je tady! Complete these sentences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary. Chcete vyhrát dárkový balíček v hodnotě 750 kč? Procvičte svoji angličtinu, odpovězte na otázky a výhra může být vaše. Další informace v článku.

Kate’s diary – part 5 (phrases with SET)

Kate’s diary – part 5 (phrases with SET)
Dear Diary,Great! Hana is going to take me to see her grandparents in Moravia tomorrow. Hana says that her grandparents used to live in Slovakia but soon after their marriage they sold their house there and set up home in a beautiful romantic Moravian village. Hana and I set up a meeting point for our...

Agreeing and Disagreeing – dialogue

Agreeing and Disagreeing - dialogue
Bob: ‘Did you hear that R&S is going to expand in Eastern Europe?’Jane: ‘Yes, I did and in my opinion it’s a big mistake. R&S is doing well and should be concentrating on its existing stores and not be thinking of any expansion at all.’

May 1st

May 1st
May 1st is a national holiday in the Czech Republic. For some Czech people May 1st is the Day of Love when young couples should kiss under a blooming cherry tree to ensure a year of good health and good luck. In Prague, couples usually go for a walk up in the Prague’s Petřín Park...

April review – soutěž!

April review - soutěž!
Dubnová soutěž je tady! Complete these sentences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary.Chcete vyhrát dárkový balíček v hodnotě 750 kč? Procvičte svoji angličtinu, odpovězte na otázky a výhra může být vaše. Další informace v článku.

March review – správné odpovědi.

March review - správné odpovědi.
Complete these sentences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary.SPRÁVNÉ ODPOVĚDI.  Další informace v článku.

Kate’s diary – part 4 (phrases with HAVE)

Kate’s diary – part 4 (phrases with HAVE)
Dear Diary,I have great news! Last weekend, a friend of Brad’s had a party and even though I had a cold I decided to go. I was standing in the kitchen talking to Jenny about work and what to do for the rest of the weekend, when I saw a tall blond man wearing a...

Interrupting – dialogue

Interrupting - dialogue
Ralph: ‘… and this explains why we need more production’ Sarah: ‘Could I just say something about this? I think we’re forgetting what’s really important. Our business needs to employ more people’ 


Every year, I am always happy that spring is on its way and that winter is over. I enjoy the longer days, warmer weather and spending time in my garden. I also love all the new vegetables that are in season in spring – my favourite is asparagus, but I also love green beans and...