Ice hockey

Ice hockey
Ice hockey (sometimes just called hockey) is a very popular winter sport that is played in many countries. No one is exactly sure where or when the sport was invented, but the first official match, with two teams and a final score, was played in Montreal, Canada in 1875. 

Kate’s diary – part 1 (phrases with GET)

Kate’s diary – part 1 (phrases with GET)
Dear Diary,My first week living in Prague has been interesting! I got up really late this morning because of our new flat-mate, Brad. He made so much noise in the night because he got home very late and tried to make an omelette in the kitchen. 

Hlavně zbrkle nešlajfuj!

Hlavně zbrkle nešlajfuj!
Tak to je rada, kterou asi slýchá v poslední době hodně lidí. Venku totiž nejen že není žádný hic, ale mrzne, sněží a silnice se tak proměnily v nebezpečná kluziště.  

Present simple vs. continuous

Present simple vs. continuous
Present Simple We use Present Simple to talk about long-term or repeated actions. We normally use this tense to talk about our profession, hobbies, routines and habits. We often use this tense with an adverb of frequency or with another time expression.

Slevy, bankroty a kšefty

Slevy, bankroty a kšefty
Začátek nového roku. To je období novoročních předsevzetí, ale také povánočních slev. Někdy až o 75 procent nižší cifry na cenovkách zboží. Takovému lákadlu spousta lidí jednoduše neodolá.

New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s resolutions
One of the traditions when celebrating the beginning of a new year is setting out New Year‘s  resolutions. On New Year’s Day we can see a lot of people holding a glass of champagne and saying sentences such as “I want to lose 15 kilos.” or “I want to give up smoking.” 


Christmas is the most important holiday for our family. It is a great opportunity to meet all my aunts and uncles, cousins and other family members. We take turns in holding the Christmas family party and so we meet somewhere else every year.

Getting a taxi

Getting a taxi
Prague airport is far away from the city center. On arrival it is best to get a taxi from the airport so that you can get to your accommodation without walking through the streets with your luggage. Most of the taxi drivers are professionals so you can expect that they know Prague well.

Vá – NOC – e

Vá – NOC – e
Co koupit, aby to tomu druhému udělalo radost? Jaké cukroví upéct? Kde vzít čas a vygruntovat? V novinách, magazínech pro ženy, na internetu, všude je nespočet článků s radami jak co udělat nejlépe a jak nepodlehnout stresu. Další díl seriálu o němčině v češtině vás na chvilku od těchto starostí odvede a povzbudí v tom, že zase zkusí...

Dates and years

Dates and years
In English, we write dates in two different ways. For example we can write 4th January or 4 January. The second way (without ‘th’) is becoming more common and acceptable. When we speak, however, we say dates in two different ways. In British English, it is more common to say ‘the fourth of January’.