The environment

These days, many people are concerned about our environment. They worry about global warming, the condition of the oceans and the polar ice-caps melting. There is no question that these things are problems, but who is responsible for finding solutions? Should the government be creating more laws to help protect our environment? 

Should big companies spend more money to try and be more environmentally  friendly? Or is it the responsibility of the regular person – you and me? The truth is that this is everyone’s problem and we should all try to help. But what can you do? Today, living ‘green’ is very popular and not very difficult to do.

For example, you can use low-energy light bulbs in your house or flat, try to walk or use public transport wherever possible, recycle your waste and try to conserve water whenever possible. If we all work together, we can look forward to a healthy future for all people here on the earth. If we don’t, we will only have even bigger environmental
problems to solve in the coming years.


global warming – globální oteplování
polar ice-caps – ledová pokrývka
responsible for – odpovědný za
to protect – chránit
environmentally friendly – přátelský k životnímu prostředí
low-energy light bulb – nízkoenergetická žárovka
public transport – veřejná hromadná doprava
to conserve water – šetřit vodou

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