The office – email

Dear Mr. Randolph,
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your new position in our
company and say that we’re looking forward to your arrival in Prague. I
hope you won’t miss London too much! Everything has been prepared for
you and I just wanted to tell you a little about what to expect.

office is located in the city centre, only 3 minutes walk from the
closest tram stop. Our company is located on the third floor – it’s easiest to take the lift. You will find that the office has everything you’ll need to do your job. Each employee has their own desk, with a notebook computer and a land line. We also have other office equipment you may need, such as a printer and photocopier. We have a small but comfortable employee room, where you can spend your breaks and lunches. Our office has no canteen, but we do offer food vouchers that can be used at most of the restaurants in the area. If you have any questions at all please contact me.

Petr Slánský, Human Resources Director

To: John Randolph
From: Petr Slánský
Subject: Office facilities


facilities – vybavení/příslušenství/možnosti
to be located – situovaný/umístěný
lift – výtah
desk – pracovní stůl
land line – pevná telefonní linka
equipment – vybavení/zařízení
break – pauza/přestávka
food vouchers – stravenky

Jazyková agentura Channel Crossings
pro vás ve spolupráci se svými lektory připravila celoroční seriál
výukových textů z angličtiny. Máte tak jedinečnou možnost procvičit si
gramatiku, obohatit slovní zásobu i zlepšit konverzační schopnosti.
Každý týden přinášíme jeden aktuální článek. Nezapomeňte – texty jsou
zveřejněny pouze po dobu 30 dní.


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