
Summer is the longest season of the year with 93.65 days and is
typically the warmest and brightest season. The weather is very good
with plenty of sunshine and temperatures around 30°C, although it may
vary from time to time. Summer begins on June 21st and has three
months: June, July and August.

Summer is the time for vacations and
children have holiday with no classes for two months. Working people usually take a break from the work-a-day world. Czech people often spend their holiday abroad by the sea. Summer is for many of us also seen as a kind of ‘siesta of the year’ when lazier living and enjoyment are appropriate. And what do we usually do in summer?

We go swimming in swimming pools, rivers, lakes or ponds. We invite friends and have barbeques. We often go camping. We can do many outdoor sports like skating, cycling or playing volleyball or football. A lot of people go hiking in the mountains. We eat a lot of ice-cream and many different types of fruit. We stay up far into the night because it gets dark very late. We try to forget about the everyday stress in our life.


to vary – lišit se
to take a break – udělat si pauzu
work-a-day – každodenní/všední
enjoyment – potěšení/zábava
appropriate – vhodný/odpovídající
pond – rybník
to go hiking – turistika
to stay up – zůstat vzhůru

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