Kate’s diary – part 12 (phrases with TURN)

Dear Diary,Isn’t it amazing how fast a year flies by? So much has changed since I turned up in Prague! When I arrived, everything was so new and different. Now even the carp on the streets hardly make my stomach turn, although I have to admit that it was quite a surprise to see them the first time.

Now even the carp on the streets hardly make my stomach turn, although I have to admit that it was quite a surprise to see them the first time. Anyway, it’s nearly a new year and I think it’s time I turned over a new leaf. When I arrived in this country, I felt like my life had taken a turn for the better, but now I’m not so sure… I got an e-mail yesterday from my old employer, Ball and Peen, and they’ve offered me a new job. It’s much better than the last position I had there, and much better money than I make here. I love this city and all the friends I’ve made, but I don’t think I can turn the job down. It’s strange how things turn out. I never would have dreamt of being the Vice-President of Sales’ personal assistant! But I’ll always have great memories of my time in Prague. Well, it’s getting late. I guess it’s time to turn off the computer and turn in for the night.


to turn up – objevit se
they hardly make my stomach turn – neobracejí/nezvedají žaludek
to turn over a new leaf – otočit stránku/ začít nový život
to take a turn for the better – obrátit se k lepšímu
to turn sth down – zavrhnout/odmítnout
to turn out – dopadnout/vyvrbit se
to turn off – vypnout
to turn in – jít si lehnout/zalehnout

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