Kate’s diary – part 11 (phrases with look)

This morning it was cold and wet so I wanted to stay inside, but Hana said we should look at an exhibition of modern art in Veletržní Palace, in Holešovice. It’s the last day of the exhibition, so I went with her. The exhibition was inside an interesting modern building next to the tram stop.

We looked around there for over 2 hours and we found the art very interesting. Hana looked out for paintings by famous modern Czech artists and showed them to me. I really enjoyed the paintings and the actual building is great. There is a lot of light and space inside and each floor looks down to the ones below. The museum staff even looks after your coats and bags for free. In London, you have to pay for this! Afterwards, we went to the café inside and looked through their information booklet to look into going to future exhibitions. There will be one on Czech functionalist architecture next month and Hana wants to take me to see it. She loves this type of architecture. We’re looking forward to seeing it and I’m looking forward to visiting the building again.


to look at sth – prohlédnout si
to look around – prohlížet si/rozhlížet se
to look out for sth – vyhlížet/vyhledávat
to look down to – vidět odněkud někam
to look after sth – starat se o/hlídat (někoho)
to look through sth – prohlédnout si/ prolistovat
to look into – podívat se/přezkoumat/ vyhlédnout si
to look forward to sth – těšit se na

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