Kate´s diary – part 8 (phrases with keep)

Dear Diary,I was starting to get angry with Rolf last week! At first he seemed so great, but now he keeps doing really annoying things! Last week I wanted to go to see the new Karel Roden film, but Rolf didn’t want to see it and said he’d go to the pub and keep me a seat, which I think is not nice.

And last week, he put milk on the counter and said it would keep, then said it wasn’t his fault when it went off. Then, when we were shopping, he kept CZK 1,000 back and said he had no money. I though it was so mean! When we go for walks, he walks really fast because he has such long legs, but I can’t keep up and almost have to run. He thinks it’s very funny, but I think it’s unpleasant.

Worst of all: last week I was ill and had to spend the weekend in bed, and instead of being nice and quiet and bringing me soup, he invited his friends over to our flat and played loud music! I asked him to keep the noise down, but he ignored me. I don’t think I want to go out with him anymore. I don’t know – should I keep on being his girlfriend? It’s a big problem and I can’t keep my mind off it.


to keep doing sth – stále dělat (něco)/ nepřestávat
to keep sb a seat – držet místo (někomu)
sth would keep – vydržet čerstvé (potraviny)
to keep sth back – zatajit (něco)/nechat si pro sebe
to keep up – stačit (někomu)/držet krok s
to keep the noise down – ztlumit/nechat potichu
to keep on – pokračovat/setrvat v
to keep mind off … – přestat myslet na …

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