Commonly confused words

Give and Put: I give to living things, so I say: „I give flowers to a friend“. ‚Put‘ is used for non-living things (objects) so I say: „I put flowers in a vase“. I give food to the dog, but I put food on the table. I put money in the bank, but I give money to the man. I put my pen on my desk, but I give my pen to the child.

Do and Make: We use ‚do‘ for sports and exercise, work: homework, business, housework – cooking, cleaning, washing and washing up (we do the dishes after dinner). We use ‚make‘ for things we create. For example: appointments, arrangements, agreements, decisions, a noise, plans, a telephone call and a mistake.


Say and Tell: We tell the time, a story or a joke. We tell somebody to ‚be quiet‘ or to ‚stop‘. We say ‚hallo‘ and ‚goodbye‘. We say ‚no‘ or ‚yes‘. We say ‚please‘ and ‚thank-you‘.


non-living things – neživé věci
to create – vytvořit
appointments – schůzky
arrangements – dohody
agreements – smlouvy
decisions – rozhodnutí
a noise – hluk
plans – plány
a mistake – chyba
a joke – vtip
be quiet – být zticha

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