
A quiz: Records and Rules (Can and Could) Are these facts true or false? See how much you know.Pojďte si s námi zopakovat svoji angličtinu a své znalosti.  

1. Cheetahs can run up to 105 kilometers per hour.
2. In the 19th century, female teachers couldn’t get married in some states in the USA. If they agreed to marry someone they had to quit working as a teacher.
3. You cannot chew gum in public in Singapore – it’s against the law.

4. A side from people, elephants are the longest living of all animals. An animal in captivity can easily live over 70 years.
5. A blue whale’s call can be as loud as 188 decibels – louder than a jet engine – and can be heard more than 200 kilometers away.
6. Switzerland was the first country where women could vote.

Answers: 4 and 6 are false.
4. E lephants do live a long time but nowhere near as long as
some turtles.
6. Switzerland was actually one of the last European countries where
women couldn’t vote. Swiss women only got that right in 1971.


cheetah – leopard
chew gum – žvýkat žvýkačku
in captivity – v zajetí
blue whale – velryba modrá
decibels – decibely
jet engine – proudový motor
vote – hlasovat

Jazyková agentura Channel Crossings
pro vás ve spolupráci se svými lektory připravila celoroční seriál
výukových textů z angličtiny. Máte tak jedinečnou možnost procvičit si
gramatiku, obohatit slovní zásobu i zlepšit konverzační schopnosti.
Každý týden přinášíme jeden aktuální článek. Nezapomeňte – texty jsou
zveřejněny pouze po dobu 14 dní.



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