Writing a CV

When writing a curriculum vitae, it’s important to include all the right information so the hiring manager can see, at first glance, why you are a strong candidate for the job.

What information should a CV include?
– Personal details. Most CVs start with these but take care to avoid superfluous details, such as religious affiliation, children’s names and so on.
– Education and qualifications. Take care to include the names of institutions and dates attended in reverse order, university results before school results.
– Work experience. The most widely accepted style of employment record is
the chronological CV. Career history is presented in reverse date order starting
with most recent.
– Skills. Include computer skills and foreign language skills and any other recent training that is relevant to the position being applied for.
– Hobbies and interests. Keep this section short.
– Referees. These can simply be “Available on request”.

How long should a CV be?
A good CV should ideally cover no more than two pages and never more than three. The content should be clear, structured and relevant.


at first glance – na první pohled
to avoid – vyhnout se
superfluous – přebytečný
affiliation – příslušnost
a record – záznam
recent – současný, nedávný
available on request – k dispozici na vyžádání

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