
Political systems are different all over the world, but European countries now all have democracies. In a democracy, the leaders are chosen by the people of that country. In most countries this happens every four to five years through elections, where the people vote for their favourite party.

Typically there are three kinds of parties; right-wing parties (e.g. conservatives), left-wing parties (e.g. socialists) and parties which are more in the centre (e.g. liberals).

In Britain, the socialist party, called the Labour Party, has been in power for more than 10 years. However, they had to move more to the centre to beat the opposition Conservative Party in the 1997 general election. In this election the Labour Party got the majority of the votes for the first time in 20 years. Their leader, Tony Blair became the Prime Minister. Although Tony Blair has resigned, his party is still in power today.



When a new government is formed, they must have policies to run the country. Some sceptics say that many parties promise to make a lot of changes during the election, but when they are finally in power, they fail to do all that they say they are going to do. 


politics – politika
democracy – demokracie
leader – vedoucí představitel/činitel
election(s) – volby
vote for – volit/zvolit
right-wing parties – pravicové strany
 left-wing parties – levicové strany
in power – být u moci
opposition – opozice
the Prime Minister – premiér/
ministerský předseda
policies – politika/taktika

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