Kate’s diary – part 5 (phrases with BRING)

Dear Diary,
What a horrible evening! Hana brought over a DVD of a Czech film to
watch with Rolf and I, and she also brought along a great ”koláč” she
had baked. Then Brad came home completely drunk again, and started
being really mean! Alcohol sure brings out the worst in him and he
drinks almost every evening these days.

Jenny says we should bring up
the problem with him, but I don’t know if it will help. I know Brad’s been having big problems with his girlfriend – he said she told him he doesn’t bring in enough money to buy her what she wants. Doesn’t Brad know that drinking is not the answer and that it only brings on more problems? If you want to know my opinion, he should just find a new girlfriend because this one isn’t very nice to him.

The whole situation really brought us down and we never watched the DVD. Hana said she didn’t want to be around someone like Brad and left. I hope Hana will bring the DVD back some other time – I really want to see the film.


to bring over/along – přinést s sebou
to bring out the worst in sb – odkrývat nejhorší stránky (někoho)
to bring up sth – nadhodit
to bring in – vydělávat/přinášet
to bring on sth – způsobovat/vyvolávat
to bring sb down – srazit/zničit (někoho)
to bring sth back – vrátit/přinést zpět

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