Getting a taxi

Prague airport is far away from the city center. On arrival it is best to get a taxi from the airport so that you can get to your accommodation without walking through the streets with your luggage. Most of the taxi drivers are professionals so you can expect that they know Prague well.

Prague taxis have a yellow roof lamp which says TAXI in black letters on both sides. The company name, license number and rates should be printed on both front doors and a taxi driver should be able to show you his/her registration if you ask for. To avoid problems with Prague taxi drivers, it is recommended to order a taxi by phone or you can get a taxi at taxi ranks. When you reach your destination, pay the fare and if you want to, you can give the driver a tip. Never forget to ask for the price in advance, to avoid problems when paying.


on arrival – po příletu
to expect – očekávat
roof – střecha
license number – číslo licence
rates – sazby
should be printed – mělo by být natištěno
registration – registrace
to avoid problems – abyste se vyhnuli problémům
it is recommended – doporučuje se
order by phone – objednat přes telefon
taxi ranks – stanoviště taxi
fare – jízdné
tip – spropitné
in advance – předem

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