February review – správné odpovědi

Complete these sentences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary. Správné odpovědi najdete na konci článku!

break net facilities competition
take over invent take on equipment
locate score lift ice rink
take to take up take out


1. In football, you get a point if you kick the ball into the ………….
2. The fitness centre has great ……, including a swimming pool and sauna.
3. I’ve been working all day without a .…… and I’m completely exhausted.
4. This weekend I’m ………… my wife for our anniversary.
5. I didn’t see the match on TV last night – what was the …………?
6. Yesterday I went skating at the ………… with my friends.
7. Thomas Edison ………… the electric light bulb.
8. If you want to go camping in the woods you need the right ………….
9. Are you getting tired of driving? I can ………… if you want me to.
10. The main square ………… right at the end of this street.
11. Jan and Pavel really ………… each other when they met and now
they’re best friends.
12. The flat is on the 7th floor so I suggest using the ………….
13. I need to get fit. I think I’ll ………… tennis.
14. I’ve ………… too much work I don’t know how I’ll finish it all.
15. He has won the ………… and now he’s the best player in the world.

1. net
2. facilities
3. break
4. taking out
5. score
6. ice rink
7. invented
8. equipment
9. take over
10. is located
11. took to
12. lift
13. take up
14. taken on
15. competition

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