
For many people, autumn is a magical time of year. The heat of the summer is gone, but the days are still warm enough to enjoy. The evenings are bit cooler, and a sweater is usually necessary. The world also begins to change in very beautiful ways. The leaves begin to turn bright orange, red and brown as the trees begin to prepare for winter.

Autumn is also harvest time in many parts of the world. The farmers can now see the results of a summer of hard work and this is a reason to celebrate. As a result, there are many harvest festivals that are enjoyed by many people.

For children, autumn means going back to school after a long summer holiday. Although having to study and do homework again usually isn’t very popular among young people, meeting with schoolmates and friends again always is. For the adults, the often lazy summer is over and work begins again in earnest. Cultural events in many cities also begin again in the autumn, as the theatre and opera houses begin performing their new shows for the new season.


magical – kouzelný/magický
leaves – listy/listí
harvest – sklizeň
to celebrate – oslavovat
homework – domáci úkoly
schoolmate – spolužák
in earnest – doopravdy
to perform – uvádět/hrát (představení)

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