At a restaurant

Many people enjoy going out to a restaurant. There are many different types of restaurants, and the type of cuisine also varies. You may wish to eat local meals (from your country) or you may prefer to have dinner at an ethnic restaurant that serves meals from a different country. In most large cities, you can often find ethnic restaurants from all over the world.

But a good meal in a restaurant is more than just good food – service is also very important. The waiter should be friendly and if the service is very good, you should probably leave a tip. The common practice for how much to tip varies from country to country.

A meal in a more expensive restaurant often has several different courses. The first of these is usually the starter (or appetizer) which is often soup. Next you may have an aperitif, which is an alcoholic drink to start you meal. Next is the main course, which is often beef steak or chicken, and often comes with some side dishes (potatoes or other vegetables). Most meals finish with dessert and coffee, after which you ask the waiter to bring you the check (or bill) so you can pay.



 cuisine – kuchyně jako styl vaření
ethnic – národní (etnický)
waiter – číšník/vrchní
tip/to tip – spropitné/dávat spropitné
course – chod
starter/appetizer – předkrm
 aperitif – aperitiv
main course – hlavní jídlo
side dish – příloha
dessert – dezert
check/bill – účet

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Potřebujete kvalitní překlad? Vybírejte z naší nabídky: překlady do angličtiny, překlady němčiny, překlad do češtiny a překlady z francouzštiny.

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