Adverbs of frequency

In summer, I often go swimming – about once or twice a week. I love
being in the water. In winter, I sometimes go and watch hockey
matches – about two or three times a season. I am not a real fan,
but I always enjoy the matches that I watch.

In winter, I hardly ever walk to work because it is too cold – I travel by tram – but in the summer and spring, I often walk home from work. I frequently buy flowers – about once a week throughout the year.
I never eat rabbit. In fact, I have never eaten rabbit. To me, rabbits are pets, like dogs and cats.

I rarely drink beer. It must be a very hot day and a really cold (small) beer.

I usually drink wine. When I go out with friends I like to drink a glass, or two, or three, of good red wine.

I always brush my teeth in the morning and before I go to bed at night. I never forget.

I usually do my shopping on a Friday morning – when the shops are not as busy as during the weekend. I often forget to buy something – like toilet paper – so these days I always make a list before I leave home.


often – často
sometimes – někdy
always – vždy
hardly ever – téměř nikdy
frequently – často
never – nikdy
rarely – zřídkakdy
usually – obvykle

Jazyková agentura Channel Crossings
pro vás ve spolupráci se svými lektory připravila celoroční seriál
výukových textů z angličtiny. Máte tak jedinečnou možnost procvičit si
gramatiku, obohatit slovní zásobu i zlepšit konverzační schopnosti.
Každý týden přinášíme jeden aktuální článek. Nezapomeňte – texty jsou
zveřejněny pouze po dobu 14 dní.

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